

326 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 326 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 326 products
Sparkfun Jumper Wires Premium 10cm M/M - 20 AWG (30 Pack)
Sale price2,60 €
In stock, 4 units
Sparkfun SparkFun Load Cell Amplifier - HX711
Sale price4,74 €
In stock, 4 units
Sparkfun Flexible Qwiic Cable - Breadboard Jumper (4-pin)
Sale price1,08 €
In stock, 31 units
Sparkfun Arduino Stackable Header Kit - R3
Sale price0,29 €
In stock, 1453 units
Sparkfun Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 3.3V/8MHz
Sale price4,03 €
In stock, 4 units
Sparkfun Mini Load Cell - 500g, Straight Bar (TAL221)
Sale price5,19 €
Only 1 unit left
Sparkfun Sparkfun FTDI Basic Breakout - 5V
Sale price10,35 €
In stock, 6 units
Sparkfun Sparkfun Temperature Sensor - Waterproof (DS18B20)
Sale price6,94 €
In stock, 11 units
Sparkfun Load Cell - 5kg, Straight Bar (TAL220B)
Sale price5,45 €
In stock, 6 units
Sparkfun Rotary Encoder Breakout - Illuminated (RG/RGB)
Sale price1,44 €
In stock, 32 units
Sparkfun Sparkfun FTDI Basic Breakout - 3.3V
Sale price6,10 €
Only 3 units left
Sparkfun Biomedical Sensor Pad (10 pack)
Sale price2,73 €
In stock, 11 units
Sparkfun ESP32 Thing Stackable Header Set
Sale price0,72 €
In stock, 22 units
Sparkfun SparkFun GPS-RTK2 Board - ZED-F9P (Qwiic)
Sale price173,67 €
Only 2 units left
Sparkfun Arduino Stackable Header - 10 Pin (10-Pack)
Sale price2,79 €
In stock, 15 units
Sparkfun Alligator Clip with Pigtail (4 Pack)
Sale price0,94 €
In stock, 110 units
Sparkfun Mini Push Button Switch (20-Pack)
Sale price2,31 €
Only 3 units left
Sparkfun Load Sensor - 50kg
Sale price2,02 €
In stock, 12 units
Sparkfun FTDI Cable 5V VCC-3.3V I/O
Sale price6,23 €
In stock, 5 units
Sparkfun Conductive Thread Bobbin - 30ft (Stainless Steel)
Sale price1,66 €
Only 2 units left
Sparkfun SparkFun CAN-BUS Shield
Sale price10,89 €
In stock, 6 units
Sparkfun 1x40 pin Break Away Headers - Long (5-Pack)
Sale price3,06 €
In stock, 10 units

SparkFun Electronics is a manufacturer from Niwot (Colorado) and a pioneer in the field of DIY electronics, offering one of the most comprehensive ranges available today. Both beginners and advanced users can find the right components for their next DIY project here. In addition, SparkFun is constantly developing new courses and online tutorials that provide useful support for users. All SparkFun products are produced as open source hardware. The new Sparkfun Qwicc series enables solderless work for beginners and advanced users.

SparkFun - dealer with a wide selection

The manufacturer and retailer, which entered the maker scene in 2003 with printed circuit boards, produces and sells microcontroller developer boards, breakout boards and a large selection of sensors, kits and other accessories that make the heart of technology beat faster. True to their motto "Start Something", versatile blogs, especially series such as "Enginursday", and numerous tutorials offer a wide range of ideas that inspire you to try them out - such as an IoT garment that changes colours like a mood ring.

For the makers of tomorrow: SparkFun Education

SparkFun believes that electronics is more than just a hobby or a career opportunity. For this reason, the US company has launched the "SparkFun Education" platform, which is committed to passing on technical expertise and the joy of innovation to the next generation. In addition to high-quality equipment, the platform offers curricula and training opportunities that motivate and inspire young and old alike. The aim is to teach students skills in the creative and digital economy.

Find the right SparkFun components for your idea now and surprise yourself.

SparkFun articles in the EXP-Tech online shop

You will find a huge selection of SparkFun products in our online shop. Be inspired and order the right products for your project today!

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