Whether smart home, wearable technology or connected cars: the Internet of Things (IoT) is a set of terms that are always a talking point at technology trade fairs such as CeBIT. The basic idea behind the Internet of Things is that microcontrollers and embedded computers are increasingly supporting people in their work. Although humans control the intelligent devices, they are capable of acting independently and reacting to certain situations.
IoT: intelligent, small and unobtrusive
The smart objects are often so small that they can be integrated almost inconspicuously into a particular system and the supposed user does not notice them. The individual devices are clearly identified by an IP address and can be addressed via the internet and interact with the connected information systems. Examples of this are a car key that reports when it has been misplaced or a heating system that orders oil when it is empty.
Here you will find some of our core products from the IoT sector!