Technical support

Our range includes several thousand items, all of which are tested for functionality by the manufacturer. We also have this test certified by each individual manufacturer.

In this context, we would like to ask you to check the functionality of the delivered product as soon as possible after receipt. Please note that modified goods (e.g. by soldering) are no longer saleable for us and are therefore excluded from exchange. In such cases, check the functionality with IC Hook cables, for example.

If problems occur when using the product, we would ask you to check or carry out the following points:

Please ensure that you fully understand how the product works. Please read the product descriptions in our shop carefully. Most product descriptions have links to the manufacturers, forums, instructions and data sheets. You will find full documentation for the products on most manufacturers' websites.

A Google search with the appropriate keywords usually leads to very helpful articles, forums and tutorials.

Simplify your project to such an extent that you may be able to trace the error back to a single component, event or line of code. Even if you do not find the error, it may be important for us.

Check the power supply! Please ensure that the voltage is within the operating range of all connected devices. Make sure that your power supply unit can supply sufficient current for all connected devices. Use a multimeter to check the voltage at the inputs of the switched-on board. Insufficient power supply is one of the most common problems encountered by our customers.

Please check that your device is properly wired and configured!

Make sure that your physical connections correspond to the wiring diagram. Good and clean wiring will help you.

Check your solder joints. If you don't know the difference between a "good" and "bad" solder joint, a Google image search should help. It is often difficult for the untrained eye to tell the difference between "good" and "bad" soldering work. It is advisable for beginners in particular to take part in soldering courses and invest in a soldering iron with an adjustable temperature.

If there are user-specific settings for your device, check that they are correct. The default settings may not be suitable for your application.

You should have suitable tools to check for possible sources of error. A multimeter should be part of every basic set of equipment. This will at least allow you to check the voltage at various points in your system. If you have an oscilloscope or logic analyser, please check the output signals.

If a computer or microcontroller is used in your project, switch it off and on again or perform a reset.

If you have problems with the USB connection, use a different USB cable and a different USB port. If you have another computer, you can also use this for testing.

Watch out for serial communication problems:

  • The transmit pin of one device must be connected to the receive pin of the other device (TX to RX). The connection TX to TX and RX to RX will not work and can possibly destroy both devices.
  • If you are using Windows, please check the Device Manager to see if there is a connection to the correct COM port.
  • If you want to send a serial command to a device, make sure that the correct serial mode (if available) is used.

Watch out for electrical problems:

  • Header pins should be soldered to ensure a working connection.
  • Batteries may be discharged.
  • Fully charged batteries may have significantly higher voltage than the nominal value.
  • Plug-in power supplies are often unregulated, so that 9V adapters, for example, can initially output 12V.
  • Electrostatic discharges can destroy the electronics of your project if you have not taken appropriate precautions.
  • LC voltage spikes can destroy your electronics.
  • Breadboards sometimes have missing or defective connections. Furthermore, they are not suitable for all currents.
  • Sometimes the electronic devices are inadvertently supplied with power via the I/O connections. This can damage the device and prevent it from being properly disconnected from the power supply.
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