The ETH8020 provides 20 volt free contact relay outputs with a current rating of up to 16Amp each and 8 analogue inputs. The module is powered from a 12vdc supply which can be regulated or unregulated. The DC input jack is 2.1mm with positive core polarity, DC supplies are required to supply at least 1A at 12vdc. The relays are SPCO
(Single Pole Change Over) types. The normally open, normally closed and common pins are all available on the screw terminals. The relays on the ETH8020 can be controlled from the inputs on the ETH484 or another ETH8020. This offers the opportunity to construct a system where an input can control an output anywhere on the earth provided both locations are connected to the network/internet.
New features and improvements over the ETH8020 are:
- 100mb full duplex Ethernet connection (ETH8020 was 10mb half duplex)
- Hostname is now configurable
- MQTT with optional TLS encryption
- Email added with optional TLS encryption
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