The SparkFun Photon RedBoard, to put it simply, is a WiFi/Microcontroller development board in the Arduino form-factor for the Photon. It’s easy to use, it’s powerful, and it’s connected to the cloud. With the best support, potential, and performance the Photon RedBoard provides you with an IoT device with a powerful 120Mhz ARM Cortex M3 and built-in WiFi connectivity. Imagine blowing up a Photon into the shape of an Arduino and while keeping its wireless and ARM Cortex M3 capabilities, the result is this board!
The SparkFun Photon RedBoard has been based around the P1 Spark Module. Each P1 comes pre-loaded with Spark OS firmware and includes their basic cloud service. With a built-in antenna and a uFL connector, the P1 makes it so you don’t have to stress over the optimization of RF designs.
The Photon RedBoard has all of the hardware peripherals you know and love: 8 Digital I/O pins, 6 Analog Inputs, UART, SPI and ARM JTAG hook-ups. We’ve also broken out the SDA, SCL, SCK, MISO, MOSI, SS, DAC, and WKP pins as well. You can power the Photon RedBoard over USB or through the barrel jack. The on-board power regulator can handle anything from 4.5 to 15VDC.
- STM32F205 120Mhz ARM Cortex M3
- 1MB flash, 128KB RAM
- Single band 2.4GHz IEEE 802.11b/g/n
- Supports wireless data rates of up to 65Mbit/s
- Ultra low power sleep, stand-by and stop modes
- Supports Open, WEP, WAPI, WPA and WPA2-PSK WiFi security modes
- Input voltage - 4.5-15V
- 8 Digital I/O Pins
- 6 Analog Inputs
- ARM JTAG Hook-up
- Arduino Form Factor
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