The ADXL343 is nearly identical in specifications to the ADXL345, and code written for the '345 will likely work on the '343 as-is. This new accelerometer has some nice price improvements to stay within your budget.
The sensor has three axes of measurements, X Y Z, and pins that can be used either as I2C or SPI digital interfacing. You can set the sensitivity level to either +-2g, +-4g, +-8g or +-16g. The lower range gives more resolution for slow movements, the higher range is good for high speed tracking. The ADXL343 is the latest and greatest from Analog Devices, known for their exceptional quality MEMS devices.
With on-board 3.3V regulator and logic-level shifting circuitry, it's a perfect choice for interfacing with any 3V or 5V microcontroller. Thanks Sparkfun qwiic compatible STEMMA QT connectors you don't even need to solder.
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