The I2C data stream updates once per second, you'll get:
- PM1.0, PM2.5 and PM10.0 concentration in both standard & environmental units
- Particulate matter per 0.1L air, categorized into 0.3um, 0.5um, 1.0um, 2.5um, 5.0um, and 10um size bins
- As well as checksum, in binary format.
Each order comes with one fully assembled sensor module breakout, including some header if you'd like to solder it to a breadboard. The breakout board has a 5V mini boost circuit so you can power it from 3.3V and 5V and the motor will run just fine
- Particle Range of measurement: 0.3~1.0,1.0~2.5, 2.5~10 Micrometer
- Particle Counting Efficiency: 50% @ 0.3µm 98% @ >=0.5 µ m
- Particle Effective Range (PM2.5 standard): 0~500 µ g/m ³
- Particle Maximum Range (PM2.5 standard): = 1000 µ g/m ³
- Particle Resolution: 1 µ g/m ³
- Particle Maximum Consistency Error (PM2.5 standard): ± 10% @ 100~500 µ g/m ³
- ±10 µ g/m ³ @0~100 µ g/m ³
- Particle Standard Volume 0.1 Liter
- Single Response Time <1>
- Total Response Time = 10 seconds
- DC Power Supply Typ: 5.0V Min: 4.5V Max: 5.5V
- Active Current = 100 mA
- Standby Current = 200 µ A
- Interface Level: 3.3V logic, L <0.8V, H >2.7V
- Working Temperature Range -10 ~ 60 ?
- Working Humidity Range 0~99%
- Storage Temperature Range -40 ~ 80 ?
- MTTF = 3 Year
- I2C address 0x12 (cannot be changed)
- Product Dimensions: 51.0mm x 35.5mm x 13.6mm
- Product Weight: 28.0g
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