The Dragino SN50V3-LB-EU868-NH is a Long Range LoRaWAN Sensor Node designed for outdoor use. It is part of the third generation of the LSN50 series and is engineered to facilitate the rapid deployment of industrial-level LoRa and IoT solutions. The sensor node is powered by an 8500mAh Li/SOCl2 battery, ensuring long-term use.
Note: this is the No Hole version.
Key Features:
- Utilizes the SX1262 chip for LoRa communication, enabling data transmission over extremely long distances at low data rates.
- Provides ultra-long range spread spectrum communication with high interference immunity and low current consumption.
- Equipped with a 48MHz ARM microcontroller, featuring 256KB of flash memory and 64KB of RAM.
- Multiplex I/O pins allow connectivity with various sensors.
- Built-in Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module allows for remote configuration via mobile phone.
- Supports Over-The-Air (OTA) updates via a private LoRa protocol for easy maintenance.
- Comes with a mature LoRaWAN stack and application software.
- Open-source project, enabling users to use pre-loaded software or customize it to meet specific requirements.
I/O Interface Specs:
- Battery output: 2.6V to 3.6V, depending on battery status.
- +5V controllable output for powering external devices.
- 3 x Interrupt or Digital IN/OUT pins for versatile digital interfacing.
- 3 x One-wire interfaces for connecting compatible sensors.
- 1 x UART Interface for serial communication.
- 1 x I2C Interface for connecting I2C-compatible devices.
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